Tag Archives: Senior Care

Why Seniors Must Maintain Good Oral Health
Good oral health is important for people of all ages. However, when we get older, brushing our teeth thrice or twice a day and flossing regularly can become quite a challenge. According to recent data, about 1 in 4 older adults, aged 75 and up, has l...
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How Aging Affects Your Balance
A decline in balance is part of normal aging. There are plenty of causes that increase the risk of imbalance in older adults and this can lead to a risk of injury from falls. Dizziness can happen at any age but it can be more pronounced in older adul...
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Tips for a Safety Medication Management Among Seniors
Due to old age and weakened immune system, seniors are at high risk of contracting mild to chronic illnesses which may require taking several medications a day. However, because of forgetfulness or confusion, they are susceptible to medication errors...
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Hygiene and Grooming Tips for the Elderly
Good personal hygiene equates to a healthy body. However, due to old age, daily grooming and bathing can be difficult for seniors, particularly for seniors with mobility issues or dementia. Hence, assistance is important for them to stay healthy and ...
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Why Choosing Home Care Is Best Care
Traditionally, most seniors leave to go to nursing homes during their retirement. Thus, the existence of various nursing homes available for them. However, times have changed and families realized the many benefits that in-home care provides to senio...
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Addressing Seniors’ Needs
Performing activities of daily living is one of the difficulties that seniors experience as they age. Because of aging, they are challenged and worse, hindered to perform daily activities due to the deterioration of bodily strength and overall functi...
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