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Promoting Heart Health Among Our Seniors


Cardiovascular diseases have long been dubbed as the top cause of death all over the world. Bad habits typically cause several of these diseases and may get worse over time if not addressed. Due to the changes that come with aging, seniors are at a higher risk of suffering from cardiovascular issues. Through these tips and with the help of non-medical home care services, we can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases among seniors.

  • Avoiding Harmful Foods

    One of the best ways to lessen the risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases is by watching what you consume. A lot of foods may taste good but provide low nutritional value to us. Make sure to avoid foods that are high in sodium, trans fat, and saturated fats and double up your vegetable and fruit intake.

  • Keep Harmful Habits to a Minimum

    Habits like smoking heighten your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Smoking in particular damages your blood vessels and artery walls. It may be difficult to stop, but quitting smoking will help you avoid acquiring fatal heart diseases in the future.

  • Live an Active Lifestyle

    Obesity and high blood pressure are risk factors for heart disease. Regular physical activity will help regulate your weight and blood pressure. Exercises will also help keep the heart healthy and stimulate better blood circulation. But do take note that seniors need to be supervised when exercising. You can consult institutions that offer live-in care in Virginia to know how your senior loved ones can exercise safely.

If you have questions about home care services, reach out to us at Magnolia Home Care LLC. We provide excellent home care in Fredericksburg, Virginia that is dedicated to attending to your needs.

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